Laurel 4th of July Celebration

Celebrating our Nation's Independence in Laurel, MD

The City of Laurel, Maryland's
45th Annual Independence Celebration
scheduled for Saturday, July 6, 2024!

Contact Us

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 301-725-5300 ext. 2444
Mail: 8103 Sandy Spring Road · Laurel, Maryland 20707

Committee Officers

Chairperson.............Carreen Koubek
Vice Chairperson......Traci Crouse


Fireworks Chair - Eddie Souder
Parade Chair - VACANT
Vendor Chair - Traci Crouse
Entertainment - VACANT
Publicity - VACANT
Fundraising - VACANT

Committee Members:
Brian Bain, Shante Taylor, Beth Varnau, Judy Miller, Kristi Leigh, Jim Kronmeyer